How we mess up website projects

This post was originally published by me on I’ve built dozens and dozens of websites for small businesses over the past twelve years. I’ve seen a vast number of problems that can arise in the completion of those projects, and I have an idea why it’s so hard to get right. I know it’s…

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Digging your hands into the soil

I have been at this for 12 years. Twelve. Years. In various fashions, with breaks, and many permutations. The bug of independent life; the bug of freedom to have the time to help the world, and do what was meaningful, and create beautiful things with my own hands. Again, with the next permutation. Again, with…

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Critical path analysis for solopreneurs

This observation is a clarification for myself, of something I have noticed—and must remind myself. As is often the case, I have not seen it mentioned elsewhere. The point of this is: survival. The continual analysis and refocusing to increase chances of entrepreneurial survival. Although you will tend to think there is something else you…

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Pursuing Relevant Replication

If you are a certain sort of person, with certain sorts of exposure to the idea of creating “passive income” or freeing yourself from the possible poverty of running a coaching business, or freelance business, or therapy business one client at a time, you have probably come across the idea that you can create online…

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Considerations when creating an online course or membership site

This is a video I made to summarize the basic considerations when you want to create a membership or “courseware” site using WordPress. The key here is this:

* Almost nobody will tell you about most of this

That’s kind of funny, right? But it’s true. In the real world, there are a series of major considerations I have come across in the real world. Planning for them may save you a lot of frustration later on.

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A guide to delegating

Delegating is hard; yet it is the crossover point in your business, between being having to “wear all hats” (no matter how poorly they fit), and starting to take the freedom of doing what you are good at, and letting others do other parts of the work. Here is a highly distilled, step-by-step practical guide on how to delegate effectively.

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Phones for minimalism

This is a beautiful movement. As we become more and more aware that more is not always better, people have begun to innovate in the other direction, by asking: How can we do less? As all productivity folks (or, spiritual teachers) have pointed out, our attention is a critical resource. The mind’s temptation to expend attention everywhere only dissipates…

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All Horses Are Red: WordPress CSS for Everyone

    CSS is the formatting language of the web. If it’s mysterious to you, it needn’t be! No longer do you have to be beholdin’ to the whims of web developers—learn what this CSS thing is all about, and how YOU can apply it with simple techniques that can transform the look of your…

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