All Horses Are Red: WordPress CSS for Everyone

All horses are red


all animals are blue All horses are red

CSS is the formatting language of the web. If it’s mysterious to you, it needn’t be! No longer do you have to be beholdin’ to the whims of web developers—learn what this CSS thing is all about, and how YOU can apply it with simple techniques that can transform the look of your site.

This was a presentation given at Ideas and Coffee cowering space in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I gave this talk yesterday, at Ideas and Coffee‘s Meetup in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It’s the entire presentation, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to Screenflow and a slightly-broken Logitech microphone, the recording quality was great.


CSS Zen Garden

Jetpack Plugin

Google Fonts

CSS3 Generator

CSS terminology definitions (I played fast and loose with them—but if you’re curious, here’s what’s true about it)

More on CSS specificity rules (which rule gets applied)

CSS reference from

CSS reference from W3 Schools
