Who I Serve

Something has broken you open. You have a calling that is pulling you out of some aspect of the World of Separation, and into the World of Interbeing — whether that's a Functional Medicine practice that gets at the root of a person’s illness, shadow work that helps people get at the root of their trauma, or a more inclusive and powerful way of bringing stakeholders together to solve big problems, or any of countless other ways.

It could be a bakery where you can bring the community together, in an area where there's no place for people to gather, for example, if you can see somehow that it will weave some piece of the human fabric in your neighborhood back together, if that heart mission is in there of bringing another piece of humanity back, and helping heal our disconnection.

What I have now understood is that each person I feel called to work with has some aspect like this — some place where they feel deeply troubled by something that's going on. They feel this strong need to heal it, to be a cause for its remedying. And every time, you seem to see some more integrated, holistic, systemic way of healing the people, that brings us together more, makes us more whole.

You faced a crisis of some sort — of conscience, of health, of life even — some way that the promises of the old world simply did not fit anymore or make any more sense. And out of this, you saw something — some solution to this piece of our disconnectoin that could not be un-seen. And once you had seen it, you were deeply called to bring this to people.

I think you always have a recognition, in this flash of insight, that something better and something simpler is available. Whether it's a more holistic way of healing an illness, or the recognition of how presence can be a cure for anxiety, or how plant medicine can be a cure for some addictions, there's always some aspect of healing. In one way or another, you are a healer — of some aspect of our broken fabric.

You could say healing of trauma, healing of separation, healing of illness, healing of fear, healing of disconnection, healing of mistrust, healing of anxiety, healing of loneliness, healing of homelessness. Healing disconnection—anything is really a form of healing, reweaving some aspect of humanity. I think there's always some aspect of enlightenment in it.

We feel an AHA of recognition when we see the things we were doing weren't working. The monetary goal we were working for in a corporate job, for example, was failing us. In many of a thousand ways, the promises of the old system and how it's meant to work were falling apart for us. Some new possibility was revealed.

Once that possibility was recognized, we couldn't not see it and we couldn’t not want to bring it into the world. It became our part of the contribution to a more beautiful world.