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Using AI Chat to Turn Your Offer into Customer Dilemmas

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the biggest challenges that we all have, with our marketing hats on, is to switch our perspective from “expert” to “customer.” When we know a lot about something, we suffer from The Curse of Knowledge — it’s hard to remember that not everyone knows what we know.

From the viewopint of us, we want to:

  • Talk about our cool processes and methods
  • Geek out about all the nuts and bolts details
  • Go on about how special our program is…

Clients/customers don’t care. They want to hire you to help them because they don’t want to become experts in what you do! But it can be a tough shift (for all of us). The trick is to find ways of translating what we do into real-world scenarios of what they are suffering with, challenged by, or hoping for. Recently, I noticed that AI chatbots (I am using Claude) are good at helping us do this. Here is a recent conversation with Claude that made this so much easier. (Note that in the following chat, I had already given it some idea of what my skill sets were).

I think you will find that this is a great way go get the AI to help you translate what you do, into things people actually think about each day (and this is always the magic key to reaching them!).

My Prompt:

Based on my skill sets and the purpose-driven entrepreneur audience I work with, I need to brainstorm the types of common dilemmas and situations they experience. That is, I may think about root causes and concepts, but they think of it as situational dilemmas.

For instance:
If I think their problem is Market Positioning (one of my talents), they may experience that as "high marketing costs", or "can't quite get traction with my audience", or "I am not sure how to reach people effectively to get more clients/business."
If go brainstorm through the various talents and specialties I have, let us brainstorm the various dilemmas that your average small businessperson would be likely to be experiencing — to which my offer would be a deeper solution. Let's make a list…


Certainly! Let’s brainstorm a list of common dilemmas that small business owners and purpose-driven entrepreneurs might experience which align with your skills and expertise:

  1. “I’m struggling to stand out in a crowded market.”
    (Related to your Market Positioning skill)
  2. “My marketing efforts aren’t delivering the results I expected.”
    (Connects to Sales and Marketing Optimization)
  3. “I’m not sure if my product/service truly meets my target audience’s needs.”
    (Relates to Product Development and Market Fit)
  4. “I feel overwhelmed trying to manage all aspects of my business.”
    (Addresses your Strategic Focus and Business Agility expertise)
  5. “I’m passionate about my work, but I’m not making enough money.”
    (Ties to Value Proposition and Pricing Strategies)

In all, Claude gave me fifteen situations! Each of these will be a far more valuable starting point as a way to reach your clients/customers.

I encourage you to give this a try with one of the chatbots (currently like Claude and ChatGPT are two of the big ones), and see if it helps you to shift your frame into the viewpoint of your customers. Let me know what you discover!

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