About the Avatar® Course

The experience

Avatar is a three-section, self-empowerment training guided by a world-wide network of licensed Avatar Masters.

According to many graduates, Avatar is the most powerful, purest self-development program available. It is a series of experiential exercises that enable you to rediscover your self and align your consciousness with what you want to achieve. You will experience your own unique insights and revelations. It’s you finding out about you.


How it works


Your own beliefs are the most powerful forces that influence your existence. They determine what you perceive and how you perceive it. They influence your thoughts, your expectations, and your actions. They shape your personality. They even affect the outcome of your actions and the way others perceive and respond to you. The Avatar training helps you explore behind the scenes of your existence and discover the uninspected, unconsciously-held beliefs that are causing your life to be as it is.

What you will discover

The Avatar Course will guide you in an exploration of your own belief system and equip you with tools to modify things you want to change. The discoveries you make open a window into the inner workings of your own consciousness.


What you can expect

red, pink, and yellow flowering plants

Rather than presenting you with another set of beliefs to live by, The Avatar Course awakens you to a natural ability to create and discreate beliefs. With these skills, you redesign your life according to a blueprint that you determine. The course is experiential (world lessons), not intellectual (word lessons). For this reason it requires a trained Avatar Master to guide you into the actual lessons already contained in your own unique consciousness.

Schedule a chat with Chris

I'd love to chat with you and help you get some clarity on your issues, challenges, and goals — and see whether or not Avatar might be right for you!

EPC is a service mark of Star's Edge, Inc. Avatar®, ReSurfacing®, Thoughtstorm®, Love Precious Humanity®, Enlightened Planetary Civilization® are registered trademarks of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.