“When we are in service to something that is real, when we speak of it our words have power. Others can feel its reality too. That is why some people have the seemingly magical ability to speak things into existence. When they say such-and-such is going to happen, everyone believes it is going to happen, even if its happening depends on everyone believing it will happen.”
— Charles Eiseinstein, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible

Are You Here to Give Birth to a Magical Livelihood that Helps Enliven the World?
What I Believe In:
- I believe in a new way of doing business that aligns with a world in harmony, beyond separation, embedded in wholeness and connectedness.
- ...In a world that centers on our true human value — our deep, bigger purpose — why you're here — and centers on meaning and fulfillment.
- ... Where money is one of the ingredients... but not the only one.
- Business, from this view, serves life — not the other way around.
- I envision millions of small, thriving businesses that make a good living and spread joy, integrity, and care.
- I envision happy families... happy partners or employees... happy customers and clients... and the positive ripples that will put out into the world.
- These businesses affirm our creative nature — our ability to create work we feel proud of... that speaks to the interconnectedness we feel, and moves beyond the us/them divides we are so hungry to leave behind.
You Are Someone Who Believes:
- You have a passion to make a decent living doing things that help people and the world.
- You believe in increasing harmony, compassion, care, faith, trust, interconnectedness, presence, and joy in the world.
- You believe this can be done through a thriving business you love —not by making billions — but by making a healthy living for yourself, your family, and those around you.
- You want to spread good ideas, beauty, magic, light, fun, happiness, kindness, and care.
Core Business Principles
how you do business as it is about what you do. While the "what" is important, so is feeling good, balanced, and happy while doing it.
Through their work, they contribute to beauty, and that's a new way of doing business.